Known issues
This page lists known issues, or things expected to not be working correctly, anywhere on the platform.
If you encounter any issue not listed here, please reach out at support [AT]
Currently unresolved
No known issues at the moment.
IPv6 addresses
Hurl itself supports scripts targeting IPv6 just fine (see Options). The following script is how you would use it on Skybear.NET.
GET[Options]ipv6: trueHTTP 200
However, at the moment, we run all scripts inside AWS Lambda which does NOT support outgoing IPv6 connections (see docs), hence any script trying to connect to IPv6 addresses will fail.
An example error of what you would see:
| 4 | GET | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (5) Couldn't resolve proxy 'localhost'
We will try to move out of AWS Lambda soon, so that you can use all features of Hurl without limitations.